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Week 2A: Overview of Social Media

When it comes to using social media for personal use, I think that the best platform to use completely depends on what you plan on using social media for. For example, if you want to use social media to showcase your artwork or photography samples, then Instagram would be the way to go. However, if you want to be able to quickly communicate with friends and family from out of town, then Facebook would be best to get the job done. It all completely depends on what YOU need. Maybe you want to have a place to rant or log your daily thoughts and that would fit perfectly with how Twitter is designed. Sometimes you can even use multiple platforms so that all of your personal needs are met. In my opinion, Instagram is my favorite platform because I love photography and it is easy to set hashtags to showcase my photos to people around the world. I can then build a community and receive feedback on what I can improve on in the future.

Nowadays almost all social media platforms have advertisement options, but if I had to pick one platform that best suited businesses I would say Facebook. It is a good place to start to grow a following and the awesome thing about it is that people can easily share your posts on their personal wall so you get even more exposure. I even think the mentality around people on Facebook makes it a lot easier to grow. If your Facebook has a lot of relatable or interesting posts then people might even start tagging their friends in the comments based on who they thought of when they saw your post. On the other hand, if your business is already established then LinkedIn is the prime platform for posting hiring opportunities and connecting with your employees. 

Mostly all social media platforms can be used for both personal and business purposes. I think Facebook and Instagram are the ones that could equally fit into both categories because of their shareability. Compared to other types of social media, these two platforms make it easy to connect with both friends and customers alike. Of course, it completely depends on how you want to run your social media. For example, I mentioned that Twitter is more geared towards personal usage, but in the case of the fast-food chain “Wendy’s” they were able to utilize it in a way that massively promoted their business. They just had to make their posts more personal, which was something that most other businesses were too afraid to do because they want to maintain the idea of professionalism. Overall, different types of social media can be used for a variety of reasons, you just have to know what you want to get out of it whether that be gaining exposure, posting job opportunities, or selling a product.


  1. Good afternoon Maxim,
    I agree the best social site to use depends on what are the reason for ones interest personal use or professional or even both. I look forward to reading your next post.
    Sincerely, your CSIT 155 classmate
    Jesus E. Origel

  2. I could not agree with you more, it really on what your overall purpose is. Also your outlook on how all social media can be used for both, to me, seems to be true. Like I said before in my post I think at first it was made for more of a personal platform then adapted to business aspect.

  3. I agree that you are able to have a choice based on your needs, Facebook has become the largest and most active of all the platforms making it easier to stay in touch with friends but also making it able to market a business affordably and effectively.

  4. I like how you brought up the Wendy's Twitter account; it is a perfect example of how critical it is that companies use these tools to adapt their accounts and flow better with the platform and with the expectations of their audience.

  5. I completely agree with your statement about how social media differs depending on the uses. You did a great job differing what each site or app can be used for, and how each is beneficial in a different way. I agree that facebook is the best for a buisness and I have definitely used it as a tool to research or learn more about a place or company before going or buying from there. Great post!

  6. You make an excellent point that one should use the social media platform that best suits their needs at any given time. But is there any platform that people use consistently more than others? And how can other businesses replicate what Wendy's did in their effective use of social media?


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