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Week 3A: Communication

As a consumer, I rarely communicate with businesses through their social media. However, I have seen other people send messages and questions through Facebook and usually the business will reply fairly quickly. Should I ever need to contact a business, I would most likely send them a direct message through whichever platform that they seem most active on. There is a feature that I think is very helpful on Facebook where a business page will have an estimated time of when they will reply to you based on their previous interactions. In this way, I think social media does make it easier to get noticed and connect with someone who can answer your questions. 

In my experience I have had success communicating with businesses through social media. Sometimes I will watch tutorial videos on YouTube and if I have a question I will just leave a comment then I will usually get a reply fairly quickly. It also helps that when consumers communicate through social media, their questions are posted for everyone to see so if someone else has the same question then they can get an immediate answer by reading over previous comments and replies. I have experienced this scenario specifically when I first started using the Adobe programs and had questions about setting it up.

If I were responding to comments on my own business’s social media, then I would try to be professional but casual at the same time. For example, when I receive positive comments about the product or service I would thank them, but not ask them to complete a survey. I want them to know I read their comment so that they feel like they are engaged with the business. When I receive negative comments, I would try to learn from them if it is constructive criticism or try to establish a solution in a private chat with the customer, but if they are hate comments I would most likely ignore them. It is impossible to please everyone and a lot of the times their will be people online who just write hate comments for attention so there is nothing I would be able to take away from confronting them. The only “negative” comments I would reply to are those that offered real constructive criticism that I would be able to use to make my business better.


  1. Good evening Maxim,
    I agree with your point of view, it similar to mine. You are right even thou I haven't many people including you have experienced communicating with a business through social media and it made problem solving easier.
    Sincerely, your classmate
    Jesus E. Origel

  2. Maxim, you seem to have a very good command of the use of social media. It is apparent that you use social media on a regular basis. You know the ways to respond to businesses appropriately using social media. I am still learning how to do this.

  3. Hey Maxim! I really enjoyed reading your opinion on social media and communicating through their pages. I agree with acknowledging and responding to their comments but not asking them to take surveys, because I know as a consumer it is sometimes annoying when they ask for feedback. Also typically if you like the product or service enough you will leave a positive review. Look forward to reading your next post!


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