As a photographer and videographer, I use various sites to showcase my work. In my previous posts, I mentioned my use of Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn. I use them each different; for example I use LinkedIn to find local job opportunities for major businesses. Aside from these standard social media sites, I use Unsplash and Vimeo. Unsplash is a high quality photo sharing website that is copyright free. It is the perfect place for a photographer to to share and gain a following since people go to this site to find and use high quality photos. If someone decides to use my photo and credit me then that would promote my page. Furthermore, if they really like my work then they will follow me themselves. On the other hand, Vimeo is a video sharing platform. It is very similar to instagram, but instead of focusing on photos, it places emphasis on videos. Again, this is another branch that I use to lead back to my main website.