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Week 1A: My Template

For my template I went with a sleek base and green banner because of my passion for minimalist aesthetics. I wanted to provide my readers with some professionalism as well as a visually appealing blog which would make the readers more engaged. This template is visually appealing and doesn't have too many components that would distract the reader from my posts. Some of the other templates I saw had banners, which are nice, however, I believe that it would be a distraction. I enjoy clean backgrounds so that the posts stand out. The strip of green on the top of the page adds some variation, but keeps the blog clean.

For this class, this template fit my needs and is easy access for my peers. The text is large enough so that my posts are readable and the links are clear and easily accessible.

Overall, I thought this was the sleekest template compared to the other options.


  1. I enjoyed how thoughtful your choice of template was! Its easy to pick something flashy (which is honestly and obviously what I did), so I found it refreshing to see that you went the minimalist route. Your blog's aesthetic is quite possibly the exact opposite of mine! I'm interested to follow you through the class and see how your blog develops.

  2. Good afternoon Maxim,
    My name is Jesus, I'm in your CSIT 155 class. Your choice of template seems very professional, a lot of thought was put into your blog. In your choice of a green banner to show your passion for minimalist aesthetics was a nice addition to your blog, but a image would show that better.
    Jesus E. Origel

  3. Hi!
    I really like how easy it is to navigate your blog page, and like you mentioned how minimalistic it is. Sweet and simple. I believe that it is better as well because instead of focusing on everything else going on, on the page, we can focus on your words and writing which matters the most. Can't wait to read more of your post. Thanks!

  4. Your right, this template is the sleekest I have seen so far. I like your idea of not trying to take away from your posts, but what about adding to them. I feel that is is almost necessary to have some visual appeal to catch and maintain the reader's attention.

  5. Hello Maxim,

    I love how easy on the eyes your template is. The clean look of it makes it a truly inviting to your readers. I do see how an image may help, but I feel that the cleanness of the site is what caught my eye. which is what you were going for in the first place.

  6. Short. Sweet. And to the point! I like it because it does provide a clean , and professional aesthetic as you've mentioned. However, I really like it because of the format. The way your blog posts begin seem as if we are reading an article in a paper of some sort rather than reading an unformatted work.


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