All of the businesses that I follow who are similar to mine use social media as a way for advertising. As photographers and videographer they all use Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube as their primary source of advertising. In my opinion, posting advertisements on YouTube videos and in sponsored posts on Instagram is far more effective than a television commercial. Nowadays, barely anyone watches cable network. Instead, they get their information through facebook trailers and twitter updates.
When it comes to advertising on social media, it is either a hit or miss because usually I am scrolling through and will only look at the advertisement for only a split second. I think that advertisements are adhered to what people are searching for already because whenever I go on instagram all of the advertisements are of websites that I was just on. The first think I see is the photo on the front of the advertisement so that is the most important part. It has to attract my attention and fulfill something that I am looking for.
In my opinion, social media advertising has a longer reach than traditional advertising. Nowadays, businesses can reach out to influencers and have them give real reviews to people who trust their opinion. This is far more effective than an infomercial that everyone has been trained to tune out anyways. In this modern age, social media is the future of advertising.
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